This is the staff I've been working with in Kona!
(A break-down of all the staff in the top photo)
Samuel-from Finland, and one of my good friends from DTS last year
Kelsey-one of my beloved roomies, from Oregon
John (whom I like to call "Juan")-personally, my favorite staff member (but don't tell anyone)
Jenni- straight from San Jose, California
Clint-from Texas (but born in Indonesia!), who often goes on 6 mile runs with Juan
Jo-our other "Brit" and another dearly-loved roommate
Mo-born in Mali, Africa now from Seattle, Washington (and another good buddy from my DTS last fall)
Cliff-Kelsey's big brother and an aspiring entrepreneur
Cynthia-our Native-American-blooded sister from the Western side of the USA (various states including Arizona and California)
Last weekend, the YWAM base had a staff "Love Feast", which was a special dinner held in honor of all the people that work on campus...I think over 300 people were there! It was incredible. Of course, we like to take advantage of any opportunity to get dressed up, gussied up, done up, or decked out...and this night was no exception. For this particular occasion, John and I went for a retro theme, while others chose more modern attire for the evening. We ate delicious food, had thoughtful attention from students (who had volunteered their time to make the evening happen), and also got to do some dancing. Honestly, we could not have asked for a better way to be blessed as a staff. Have fun looking at the pictures!
Love you all so so so very much...