Hi! I'm back!
It really has been a while since I've added anything here. Sorry!
Well, I'm in Kona, Hawaii now. But before getting out here to work with YWAM again, a few fun things happened. John and I got engaged! I was in England for a couple weeks in May, and John was there for a month to visit his family. We had a great time together, and then I came home with an engagement ring. That was pretty incredible.
While I was home, from April through June, I also started substitute teaching again. That was really, really fun. I know that teaching is something the Lord has given me a passion for- it is a blessing when I get to be in the classroom. Although I'm not currently teaching out here, I'm going to look into the possibility of subbing in Kona.
Well, just a mini-update will have to do for now. I'll be better, though, about keeping this Blog updated!
Love you all!
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